Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Rocks, Lowenbrau

My first impression of Lowenbrau was a place where you were likely to get picked up. Why? Because a workmate would constantly brag about finding her partner there. So imagine the disappointment I got when I didn't get picked up, mind you going during lunch probably isn't the best time either.
Luckily, I didn't leave the place 100% disappointed as the food there helped save the day.

If you do go, i'll suggest sitting outside as you'll have a better atmosphere. We were stuck inside, cold dark and no fresh air.
Lowenbrau, being German, is famous for their pork knuckle, so it's only right that I chose that dish, though I have seen their schnitzel and I was very tempted in getting that instead.

The crackling on the knuckle was CRUNCHY and not oozing with fat, though becareful, it may break your teeth :) If you're not the type to share your crackling, don't worry, there's plenty on that knuckle, so if you're friends are eyeing your crackling, you know you have enough for them to try.

The meat itself is nice and tender, falling off the bone (most parts), though my only bad comment for this dish is its saltiness. I am one of those who tends to drown their food in salt, so for me to make a comment like that, you know there's more salt than needed. Heart disease anyone?

Oven Roasted Pork Knuckle with Sauerkraut, Löwenbräu Bier and Mashed Potato. I had chips instead of mash
The pork belly is like it's meant to be, layers and layers of meat and fat just waiting for you to slice into. I would say it's more tender than the pork knuckle and definately my choice on the next visit.

Knuspriger Schweinebauch:
Crackling Roast Pork Belly with Löwenbräu Bier Sauce, Sautéed Potatoes & Red Cabbage
Being famous for beer, it's only befitting we drink German beer with our food. Not a beer loving but one my last visit to Germany, I have acquired a taste for Wheat Beer (or weissbeir) so that was my choice of beer. But becareful, the disclaimer I received for weissbeir to not to drink more than 2 as you will be making music from your tail end come the next day.

Front: Weissbeir Back: Mango beer

I have been told the other good beer for non-beer lovers is the Mango beer though I've always had a thing against mango not in the form of fruit, so i stayed away from that.

For all dishes, there is nothing like finishing off lunch with dessert, and my favourite has always being Black Forest. Growing up in my home town, there was a little cake shop that made black forest so it's like a little reminder of the good ol' days, though i will say that nothing has every tasted the same as that little cake shop.

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte:
Traditional Black Forest Cake with Kirsch Marinated
This cake, though not close to what i prefer, isn't dry and quite tasty...maybe it's because it's drowning in choc syrup and layers of cream? still i'm not complaining, definately will eat again.

Look at the size of their menu, it barely fits our table

Corner of Playfair and Argyle Streets
The Rocks
Sydney NSW 2000

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